Trapped in my home today because of our recent freak winter
storm, I've browsed Facebook a little more than usual. I never cease - never ever cease - to be
amazed at the things people are willing to say when they are not looking
someone in the eye – when they don’t really have a relationship with that
Today’s never-cease moment came when a Facebook friend posted a
status about – well, it doesn't really matter what it was about – so, I’ll
leave that part out. The never-cease
moments aren't actually limited to any one specific topic. The person that posted claims to be a
follower of Christ and I have no reason to doubt that. Her post in no way departed from anything
that most would consider Biblical teaching – in fact, it was compassionate and
defending the cause of another, rather than themselves. Yet, someone, also claiming to be a
Christ-follower, chose to jump in to comment that she and those that agreed
with her were in error. Some of those
that agreed with her are, by their own admission, not followers of Christ.
This “commenter” sounded critical, condemning, and
judgmental. I don’t know this person at
all. They may not be like this in person.
They may not have meant it in the way it came across in a social media
setting. But in those few minutes of
expressing their opinion, they alienated a whole host of people, likely caused pain to some individuals and hurt the
cause of Christ.
We are called, as followers of Christ, to be mediators – to
be ambassadors – to be people that point others to Christ. To pull out an old, seldom-used-any-more
word, our speech should be winsome and full of grace. When someone that does not follow Christ
crosses our path on a level that brings disagreement, we should take all
measures to be grace-filled and kind – even in that disagreement.
Many claim that we can say these things “because we’re in America ”.
“It’s our right in a country founded on free speech and democracy.” “If they
can spout their opinion, then I can speak mine.” “The truth will sometimes
offend those that don’t want to hear it.” All of those things are true. We CAN say it, it is our RIGHT, the truth
sometimes does offend.
But – and it’s a big but…
Just because I can, does that mean I should?
Just because it’s my right, aren't there some things worth
giving up my rights for?
Isn't there a difference in offending and being offensive?
Early on in my Facebook experience, I found myself caught up in a
few of these threads. It is easy to find
yourself there before you even know what’s happened. Misunderstandings are easy in this medium.
No more.
I have lots of opinions.
And I’ll voice most any of them to most any person. But I will choose to voice them in the
context of a relationship – where I've earned the right to speak into their
lives – to disagree. Across dinner
tables and fire pits, sitting knee-to-knee in my living room, holding their
hand and making sure they know the disagreement doesn't change my love for
When our need to express our opinion – no matter how right
we think/know we are – becomes more important than the person we’re speaking
to, something has gone terribly wrong. When
our need to post memes, statuses, comments, blogs and articles that scream our
counter-culture beliefs becomes more important than those that will see it but
will not hear it in any context of love and grace, something has gone terribly
wrong. It is polarizing and further
isolates us from the very people Jesus spent most of His time with – the people
He has called us to love.
We may exercise our right to free speech, but in doing
so, we may very likely push someone further from Christ rather than closer – is
that right really that important?
Instead of standing up for our rights, making sure everyone
knows we’re right and have the answers, let’s choose to be winsome. Let’s decide to look people in the eye when
we must disagree.
We CAN say it on social media, but let’s choose not to. Let’s
choose love.