Way back in the winter time, we scheduled and reserved a camping spot in Colorado - Cottonwood Cove - where my parents have spent most every summer for the last several years. We were so excited. There is nothing like Colorado in the summertime - especially when you're escaping oppressive Oklahoma heat to be there.
(This is us - there - two years ago.)
Then gas prices shot up to the point that it was completely unreasonable to pull the camper that far for such a short stay. Bleh.
So we punted - decided we'd camp around here somewhere for the one of the weekends. But then record setting heat of 100+ degree temperatures sucked all the fun out of that idea.
We also decided we'd let Dylan book a couple of shows (singing gigs) since we couldn't be gone the whole week anyway... He got two.
We tried to take him to one of them - in Tulsa - it cancelled.
The other show he had, they decided to throw us a curve ball and scheduled him (acoustic, indy sound) with a whole line up of head-banging, very loud, heavy metal bands. He did great, he was a great sport about it, but WAY big drag for the old parents that took him.
We've had a couple of relationship/misunderstanding-yucky things (not between us, we're good :)) thrown in just for good measure. So we don't get lazy, I guess.
So here we sit at the end of this week -- the week that was supposed to be our last big family vacation before our daughter gets married -- all kids are scattered and gone to various places, it's a zillion degrees and windy outside, the relationship stuff is still ongoing, and we have done nothing fun or relaxing.
Bleh. Again.
But, in the midst of this irritating week, I still know that these aren't real problems. These are inconveniences, irritations, bumps - normal along life's journey.
Perspective helps me find this place. God is good. We are blessed. He has provided for us abundantly and beautifully to the point that we can even bless others at times. (He's also brought us through times that we were the ones that needed to receive, and He was good then as well.)
So a wrecked vacation is something we can live with, right?
And the irritations that come with a son pursuing his dream? We can live with it. It's so worth it to see him living this adventure.
And living in community means we will have bumps and bruises at times - just like we do in families - but we keep going, -- because it's worth it.
God is good. All the time. And all the time - God is good.
How has He been good to you lately?