One of the things God has brought to me over and over are the people that He has placed in our lives to help mold, make, change who we are. He's good at bringing just exactly who we need at just exactly the right time.
So today, I'd like to share a few of those people with you. Because they have changed me and I love them for it. These people just won't go away.
We have fellowshipped (spell-check says that isn't a word, but I'm using it anyway - it works for me) together, played together, vacationed together, raised our kids together, laughed, wept, rejoiced, mourned, loved, vented, and laughed some more. Their kids are some of my kids' best friends. They are my best friends. I cannot imagine life without them.

We have gone through events that, as young people, we never imagined we would face, but we did. We have celebrated milestones, rejoiced in the growing and maturing of our children, wept when life just became way too hard.

These people have shown me sides of our God that I can see in them when I am unable to see it in myself. His patience, kindness, goodness, forgiveness, sense of humor. They have been honest with me when I needed someone brave enough to be honest. They have been my confidants when I needed to vent and say things that perhaps no one should ever say, but I needed a safe place to say them. I am safe with them. I am loved with them.
We have also managed to hurt one another through the years as well, but in that we've learned forgiveness, and the worth of persevering in relationships even when they are hard.
As I think through the list of people that have made me who I am, who continue to make me who I am, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I think about my husband, my kids, my parents, my sister and her family, my brother and his family, churches we have been in, pastors, youth leaders, friends - and I am overwhelmed.
So today, I rejoice in friendships. God is so good to us.
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