Sometimes there is simply no good to find in the loss,
but there is still good in spite of the loss.
Sometimes there is no comfort in the pain,
but there is comfort in the God that sits with us in the pain.
No one will convince me that God wants this - that He wills what is happening right now,
but He is still present, (in the midst of), the very thing He does not want.
I do not believe in a God that would cause this to be,
but I do believe in a God that aches for restoration, alongside me.
He can bring beauty from the ashes,
but He did not cause these ashes.
He can bring strength from the suffering,
but He weeps with us in that suffering.
There is still good, still beauty, still purpose.
I believe He grieves with us in these times.
God brought water to an overwhelmed and dejected Elijah,
A vine to shade a selfish and mean-spirited Jonah,
He brought comfort to childless Hannah,
Forgiveness to Peter, in his betrayal,
He brought companionship to a lonely Zacchaeus,
He wept with Mary and Martha,
He brought forgiveness to His enemies,
Himself - to us all.
I believe, if we will let Him, He will wipe away our tears,
God brought water to an overwhelmed and dejected Elijah,
A vine to shade a selfish and mean-spirited Jonah,
He brought comfort to childless Hannah,
Forgiveness to Peter, in his betrayal,
He brought companionship to a lonely Zacchaeus,
He wept with Mary and Martha,
He brought forgiveness to His enemies,
Himself - to us all.
I believe, if we will let Him, He will wipe away our tears,
He will infuse us with Hope.
With Joy.
With Joy.
In spite of...
He saves our tears.
We are precious to Him.
This is the God I am learning to lean on.

You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.
Ps. 56:8
I love your perspective. I have not enjoyed the hard times with my children, but I have so loved the relationship that it builds with my Father. I do not know how people that don't know Jesus cope with the heartache this world brings.