Sunday, October 9, 2011

Half Marathon - Check.

Yesterday was the big day.  I've been working for several months to be ready for yesterday.  My first Half Marathon.  13.1 miles.  When I began running (and I use that term very loosely) about five years ago, I never dreamed I would be able to go that far.  I'm still a little amazed that I did.

If you look closely, in the background, you'll notice that I was not last!  I stand in solidarity with every single person that did it - even the one that was last, but you have to set some kind of a personal goal, and that was mine. --  To not be last in either the overall, or in my age group.  (So much for being a high achiever...)  That, and to finish in under 2 1/2 hours.  I still don't know where I fell overall, because they didn't have the results up when we left, but I just know there were people behind me.  And I came in fifth out of eight women in my age group with a time of 2:24:18.  Yay!

I know there are other endurance events that require much more than I accomplished yesterday - I know there are other things done in life that are way more important than this, but it was important for me to figure out if I could do it, and I'm thankful God got me there.  Living life successfully takes determination, planning, perseverance, vision, drive - and God showed me that, with Him, I had more of that than I thought I did.  Now I'm praying it will transfer to lots of other areas of my life.

And finally, thank you to Heather for doing training runs with me, Lanny and Kerrie for taking care of my calf and getting me back out on the road, to my many friends that continued to cheer me on - we truly do need a community and I LOVE the community God has placed me in! 

And to my best friend, my husband.  I absolutely would not have done this without him.  He never stops believing that I can do more than I believe I can.  He always encourages and always supports.  When I injured my calf four weeks from the date, he encouraged.  When I strongly doubted I could finish, he encouraged.  When I was 2 miles from the finish, and everything in me wanted to stop - I pictured him at the finish with a camera and a warm welcome - it kept me putting one tired leg in front of the other.  I couldn't ask for a better friend or husband.  So - Thank you, Brian!  We did it!